Michael Sutter - Document Certification Services eDiploma Logo

eDiploma for Life
Your University entrusted us, the Michael Sutter Company, to print your original diploma.
For this one time purchase, you will have your eDiploma for Life!
Takes only 1 minute and your eDiploma will be emailed to you as a high resolution color Adobe Certified PDF file.
If you ever lose your eDiploma PDF file, you can always log back in and email it again.

Why do I need one?

  • You can Email your eDiploma for verification purposes for
    Job Interviews, Bank Verifications, etc.
  • Receive your eDiploma immediately for urgent verification.
  • Your eDiploma is an official and legal electronic document.
  • Your eDiploma is a high resolution color image of your actual diploma.
  • Share your accomplishment with family and friends.

Adobe Certified PDF Image

The "Adobe Blue Ribbon" is proof that your eDiploma is a Signed and Certified PDF.

What is a Signed and Certified PDF?

Using PDF Signing to certify and add approval signatures to the eDiploma is the electronic equivalent of adding a wet ink signature.
A certified eDiploma assures the recipient that the document is authentic, comes from a verified source, and has not been tampered with.
The Michael Sutter Company's Document Certification Services are authorized by the Adobe Approved Trust List (AATL) .

Below is a screen shot of Adobe Reader displaying a digitally Certified and Secured PDF of a diploma.

eDiploma Screen Shot in Adobe Reader

The Michael Sutter Company's Document Certifications Services are transparently trusted by Adobe Reader and Adobe Acrobat.
The icons are simple to interpret “Blue Ribbon, Yellow Warning Triangle, and Red X”messaging allows even novice users an easy
to understand method to determine if the document is legitimate.

Blue Ribbon Trust Images

Your eDiploma is a high resolution color image of your diploma

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high res

eDiploma High Resolution

low res

Standard Web Resolution